05.19 - 05.21


Quinta Picouto de Cima Loureiro 2021

Vinho Verde, Portugal
$11.95 | Sale: $10.76

In 1997, Albertino Rodrigues Ferriera acquired Quinta Picouto de Cima located in the parish of Gominhães in Guimarães, a World Heritage site and an area known for producing vinho verde, or “green wine.” His vineyard is located on a granite hillside with unique soil characteristics and privileged sun exposure. After investing in the process of rebuilding and preparing the land, the first harvest gave rise to red and rosé wines. Ferriera partnered with winemaker Pedro Campos to produce excellent wines that reflect the terroir and typical features of vinho verde. Today, Quinta Picouto de Cima has a total of 15 hectares, 7 of which are dedicated to wine production. 

The grapes are vinified in the traditional way of "Bica Aberta’ with strict fermentation temperature control in order to preserve intact all the good properties of the grapes.  The flavors of white flower blossoms, fresh pear and baked apple jump from the glass.  The light spritz keeps the palate fresh and zesty with a clean finish. 100% Loureiro

Giraudon Bourgogne Rosé 2022

Burgundy, France
$19.95 | Sale: $17.96                 

The Giraudon family has been farming and making wine in Chitry for centuries, and the current proprietor, Marcel Giraudon, follows very traditional methods in his work. Their vineyards are on hillsides of Kimmeridgian chalky marl as one finds in Grand Cru Chablis. Yields in the vineyard are kept modest and harvesting is done by hand. For the white wines, fermentation is carried out in temperature controlled stainless steel tanks and for the pinot noir mainly fiberglass vats for temperature control. The Giraudons make a “serious” Rosé from Pinot Noir. It is a wine that improves for a few years in the bottle. Until recently Marcel Giraudon bottled it in a dark green bottle so that customers only interested in the “pinkness” of Rosé would not be enticed. 100% Pinot Noir

Anne Sarda Cabrerisse 2021

Languedoc, France
$16.95 | Sale: $15.26            

Another fantastic wine from Mary Taylor Selections.  Winemaker Anne Sarda and her team do their vineyard work by hand. Carignan vines, up to 60 years old, grow as bush vines at 130 meters altitude, necessitating hand harvest and producing low yields. The climate is dry and the vines struggle in their stony soils – too stony to even plant cover crops. It is a wild and rural landscape, yet strikingly beautiful and natural. No pesticides, no herbicides, and no irrigation are employed. The estate is HVE Level 3 Certified. After the intense labor in the vineyards, Anne works with a delicate touch in the cellar. Spontaneous fermentation by native, ambient yeasts takes place in large concrete tanks, followed by 10 days’ maceration, then aging in old concrete vessels that are at least 60 (and up to 105 years!) old. The wine is not fined and  just lightly filtered and an infinitesimal 2 g/hl of sulfur is added right before bottling. A refreshing nose of black raspberries and black peppercorns. Medium bodied with a mineral freshness and a very long and persistent palate.  A great picnic selection and even better served with a light chill.  100% Carignan